Excelente visión nocturna y monitoreo desde app móvil.
In a rare event we have tracked down the owner of the wallet by searching Instagrm. Wallet inluding a passport card and several credit cards!
The wallet was found near the soccer fields in the grass. Thank you Rodolfo for reporting it.
Cecilia Mendoza reported that her neighboor and mother in law was robbed of 8 guatemalan outfits. On Thursday the 16th someone broke into the home in barrio 2 at 4AM.
They will be used for recording and not real-time
. Talking to each party or interest group first will be important. Ask each what they feel needs to change and confirm that they are willing to engage in. RJ process. Then facilitate a circle process with smaller groups using circle practice (going around and asking each person to respond to a series of prompts). Once enough clarity of the issues has arisen and buy in to the process, bring together the large circle. Message by Mara My Muse: You will need to make sure the person responsible for the harm is willing to take accountability and listen to the people harmed. And that the people harmed are willing to listen to the person perpetuating harm. Here are some questions to start as prompts...
You will need to make sure the person responsible for the harm is willing to take accountability and listen to the people harmed. And that the people harmed are willing to listen to the person perpetuating harm. Here are some questions to start as prompts...